Station Owner Support

Are you a Blue Planet installer, partner or station owner who needs help now? Call us for a quick, helpful answer. We’re available between 5 AM EST – 6 PM EST for station owner, installation and partner support.

Station Owner, Installation, and Partner Support
U.S. and Canada Toll Free: 1-774-836-0798
(Mon – Sat, 5 AM PT – 6 PM EST)

As a new station owner, you should have received an email with a link you can click on to activate and set up your administrator account. Once you set up your account, you can log in to manage your stations, view your dashboard, set up pricing and access control and analyze the usage of your stations. Please contact support if you need us to resend your account activation email.

As the station owner, you decide whether you want your stations to be visible on the map or not, once they have been activated with a Network Plan. All Blue Planet stations require activation. Your Blue Planet Representative can sell you an Activation Service and handle activation for you, or you can log in to your administrator account and activate stations on your own. Go to the Help Menu, and under the Videos and Manuals section, select “How to Activate Stations.”

As the station owner, you set every important policy for your stations, including who has access to use your stations, and how much, if anything, it will cost EV drivers to charge at your stations. We’re happy to provide guidance, but the decision is ultimately yours.

We provide a large collection of helpful videos and summary sheets to walk you through configuring these advanced Blue Planet services step-by-step. Simply log in to your administrator account and select the Help Menu, then select Videos and Manuals. For Pricing, see “How to Collect Payment. “For Access Control, see “How to Control Access to Stations.”

To collect money for the use of your stations, you’ll need to enable the Flex Billing service. To do so, log in to your administrator account and follow the instructions under the Help Menu in the Videos and Manuals section. Look for the Summary PDF document next to “How to Collect Payment” to learn how flex billing works and how to inform Blue Planet where to deposit the funds.

Free driver cards are shipped to every person who creates a Blue Planet account. Direct your drivers to sign up and activate their cards. Once they’ve activated their account, you can connect them to your organization. You can learn about Blue Planet connections under the Help Menu in the Videos and Manuals section. If you would like a bulk order of Blue Planet driver cards to distribute locally, please contact your sales associate.

Waitlist lets drivers get in line when all charging spots at a location are busy. It notifies drivers when a charging spot becomes available, and gives them time to go plug in.

Simply create Waitlist policies in your account and apply them to the appropriate stations. To learn how to configure Waitlist Policies, see “How to Create Waitlists” in Videos and Manuals under the Help section in your Blue Planet account. For additional assistance, contact Blue Planet customer support.

For Waitlist to work best, drivers need to be able to locate the station that’s being held for them. To avoid any confusion when enabling Waitlist, please make sure your stations are precisely pinpointed on the map and that the names are clear and suggest the location. Make sure to name stations by location and in order: Front1 and Front2 or East1 and East2, for example. Please contact customer support if you need assistance. Your drivers will appreciate having Waitlist set up in a way that makes sense to them.

We understand how important it is to keep Blue Planet stations clean for the safety of everyone, including your employees and customers. Here are some best practices for cleaning and sanitizing your station:

  1. Prioritize regular cleaning of “high traffic” areas like the cable handle, holster, and interactive screens.
  2. We recommend the following solutions for wiping down these areas and the station,
    • Isopropyl alcohol 50%
    • Isopropyl alcohol 70%
    • General sanitary wipes (like Clorox)

    Avoid harsh sprays with ingredients like ammonia (or Formula 409 or Windex) as they may damage the station’s materials over time.

  3. Also, be sure to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after touching a station and, in general, please follow CDC guidelines for recommended personal sanitation protocols when in public to keep you and everyone around you safe.